Hands up who fancies a day to night bridal look without having of buying two wedding dresses?

Well we have lots of gorgeous gowns that we can add detachable elements to such as sleeves or belts.

We also have gowns like our brand new Calla gown (pictured) that come with a detachable overskirt. Stunning eh?

These styles are a great idea so that you have the drama of the skirt as your walk down the aisle, but then you can take that off for your evening reception and your ready to party the night away with that sassy number! why would you not… haha!

Book an Appointment

So that we can give you are individual attention, we ask that you make an appointment. It’s really easy to book through our handy booking system by selecting the appointment type that you require and then the date that you want to come and see us. This will then allow you to see the availability we have on that day.

Weekends do get really busy so please don’t wait to book or you may lose the slot.

We can’t wait to help you find the perfect dress just for you!